Monday, October 30, 2006

Event Season is officially OVER!

Some pics from the final, crazy, busy weekend!

3rd Annual Endless Summer Classic Car Show

2006 Halloween Safe Street

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bouncy Balls

Check it out at

Friday, October 13, 2006

This house makes too many noises.

Storms don't freak me out. Usually I'm the one with the lights off and the drapes open watching the lightning. But tonight was CRAZY!

This is what Vegas looks like right now:

See that red spot? That was over Lake Las Vegas at about 7pm. We were just about to start Jazz on the Lake and we were getting a pretty cool lightning show. And then, BOOM! The loudest thunder I have ever heard, followed by the heavens just opening up. Buckets and buckets of rain. We tore down our VIP area in about 5 minutes flat and ran for shelter.

So now I'm home and the rain has slowed to a light drizzle and I haven't seen any lightning in a while. It's supposed to rain tomorrow though, which doesn't bode well for my weekend full of events. I need to get to sleep so I can get out to the Village tomorrow and assess the damage.

But my father installed this sensor light in my backyard. It freaks me out when it turns on! It's gone off twice and I don't know if it's the rain or what but there's no way I can sleep now! The other thing is that it's still not "cold" quite yet so I have the air on. The air makes this cracking sound when it comes on which freaks my cat out which in turn freaks me out! You'd think I'd get the hang of this living alone crap after 6 years.

And to top it all off, it's Friday the 13th! No WONDER I can't sleep!