Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Slapsgiving!

If you don't get my title, please introduce yourself to the awesomeness that is "How I Met Your Mother" (pictured at left). It's worth it. Anyturkey, this is the first Thanksgiving in a decade where I don't have to travel! Would've been last year, but I went to Napa with Arion, where he is headed once more - dropped him off at the airport this morning. I'm Chino Hills-bound and then -- God forbid! -- I actually have to work on Friday! Unfortunate, yes, but most of my lovely (can I have a sarcasm font for Christmas?) coworkers will be gone, so it will be that much more enjoyable. Plus, I have been cured of the insanity that led me to actually enter malls on that most evil of shopping days.

In more painful news, my mother (hi Mom!) has guilted me into joining her at her weekly spin/torture class. (Folks, never accept a free laptop until you read ALL of the terms and conditions.) I have a total love/hate relationship with this class because it just hurts SO good. True, I am cursing the whole time, but feel amazing (if slightly nauseated) afterward! The only drawback is that it makes me HUNGRY like you can't imagine. So my next step is to figure out how to resist the temptation to devour the entire contents of my pantry. Talk about defeating the purpose...

Follow me on Twitter @JennMoser for more random musings/coworker hatred.

Happy Turkey Day!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Well as you can see, moving home has obviously been successful! Got here and promptly filled my time with things other than blogging! Actually, that's not entirely true. With the advent of Facebook and Twitter, I'm sure I've been "microblogging" this entire time. But, with all that is new and ongoing in my life, I'm feeling like I need this outlet once more. So, this is my re-entry into journaling... a year and a half later. It will likely be a lot less than before, considering I was all by myself in Vegas! I'm going to attempt to chronicle my adventures in search of the perfect job, getting back on the gym/weight loss wagon, and all of the wonderful memories that come from living among my amazing friends and family.