I just have to vent on how LAME American Idol is this season.
Even the good contestants are not that great, and they're all HORRIBLE at picking the right songs for themselves. I adore Mandisa's personality, but she should kill her wardrobe stylist for tonight's outfit. Taylor's one of my favorites (which isn't saying much this season) but he was boring where he could have been amazing with this genre of music. And Paris had the same blind wardrobe person as Mandisa, apparently. Kelly walks a fine line between endearingly naive and annoyingly retarded. Then there's Bucky. I HATE Bucky. How he grunts his way into the hearts of every platinum blonde, 4-inch dark-rooted trailer trash girl voting with her pay-as-you-go phone each and every week is beyond me.
And the judges. The
judges. More specifically, Randy and Paula. Every week it's the same: Randy will over-use the word "dog" in a desperate attempt to be even close to the same age as any of the contestants. Then he'll name-drop every has-been singer he's worked with as he reminisces about the days when he actually had something to do with music.
Paula. First of all, has anyone noticed she claps like a seal when Seacrest announces her name at the beginning of the show? How drugged up is this woman? You can practically hear her thinking "Oh, goody! When the show's over I get more Vicodin!" And she says the SAME THING to every contestant: "You know what I love about you? Blah blah blah... " And then her eyes just glaze over as she takes a sip of whatever's mixed into that Coca-Cola cup.
How great was it, though, when Simon totally outed Seacrest with that Desperate Housewives reference? And the award for most awkward-looking kiss goes to....
Hey Ryan, if you don't want everyone to know, you probably shouldn't be kissing Teri Hatcher in front of Us Weekly photographers. Just a thought. Wait, isn't Seacrest gay? Wait a minute, he lost the highlights! Should've been our first clue.
Anyway, I'd watch tomorrow to see who gets cut, but I'm just not sure I care.