Monday, December 17, 2007

I cannot believe it's been so long since I've posted. SO much has happened in the last 2 1/2 months.

First, I went to my ten year high school reunion. What a blast that was! Hung out with the girls: Talya, Angie B., Kareen and Amanda Kingsbury. Saw so many people I hadn't seen since graduation. Very glad I went.

Second, I went to Hawaii for 10 days! It was the best vacation I've ever had, hands down. I am truly in love with Kona, snorkeling, and sea turtles! Cannot wait to go back someday.

Third, and what I'm probably most proud of... I've lost 20 lbs! As most of you know, I started going to the gym regularly this year, and I joined Weight Watchers in August. My goal was to lose weight for the reunion and Hawaii, but instead I made a life change. My eating habits were completely unhealthy, and I couldn't stand the way I felt anymore. I've gone from a size 10/12 to a size 4/6. I never thought I would be able to do it, but OMG does it feel good. I have more confidence than I've had in a about 5 years. Going to meetings every week kept me accountable for the way I was eating, and that helped. They also helped me to read my body and stop eating when I was full instead of eating because there was food in front of me.

I have a horrible winter cold right now. I'll finish this post and add pictures when I'm feeling better...

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